9) Lectures

Were you ever in a meeting and found yourself glancing at your watch from time to time? It got to the point where you hoped it would end soon. It was interesting at first but your mind started to wander and the speaker kept emphasizing the same point over and over again. Finally you heard: “in conclusion….”

There was a time when many of us were accustomed to sitting through lectures but do not have the same concentration span anymore.  Just imagine how students feel after sitting through multiple classes listening but without the possibility of participating.

That kind of meeting or class comes under the umbrella of what is termed a lecture. A general definition of a lecture is a class where the speaking is done exclusively by one person in the front of a room. The audience listens and may even take notes, but does not interrupt the flow of talk. The lecture is common in college settings where the instructor, usually a doctorate in the subject, presents material to students that sit in fixed seats attached to pull-over trays to take notes in a 'lecture' hall. When you have a chance look at online postings of students in college lecture halls to see their body language. Do they look excited?

If the definition is extended to the middle and high school levels, the lecture entails a teacher doing a significant amount of talking but with some modification. The smaller class size in secondary schools allows for worksheets, quizzes, and discussions because they can be facilitated in this setting. Many of us took classes like this with variations in the amount of these procedures.

This model existed because it was taught in university schools of education. It was the most straight forward route to go with young people that had no teaching experience. The best practices model emphasized organizational facets of the lecture: clarity of presentation, classroom discipline, rhetorical style, and school management. Recent adaptations include the wave of technology and probably cooperative learning.

It is the intent of these posts to emphasize the value of interpersonal activities in the school environment, particularly the classroom. Brain research shows that cooperative learning stimulates cognition but extended lectures do not. The face-to-face setting promotes social interaction, and this is rewarding because of the reinforcing statements of the members as contributions are made. This motivates students to continue to concentrate and participate because it sets in motion the elaborate prefrontal cortex-midbrain interaction that secretes dopamine, the neurotransmitter that helps the individual stay on task to achieve the reward. The variation of cooperative exercises creates novelty and the brain responds positively.

Do kindergarten teachers use the lecture method? No, and that is because young children do not have the concentration span to listen to their teacher for extended periods. In fact, the early grades use many activity-based devices during the school day: crafts, music, coloring, exercise, and games. Because of the novelty of the experiences they sustain good concentration but not for a lecture beyond seven minutes.  

It is probably not until about fifth grade that the lecture is used more extensively in the classroom, and in large part because content areas are stressed. Content areas require specialization and the students move to different classrooms to be taught by a content area specialist. People that major in specific disciplines in college (science, history, English, art, world language, and mathematics) are best suited therefore to teach these classes.

The lecture method I am referring to is not the parochial college professor style mentioned earlier but the inclusion of one or more of these: worksheet, quiz, video, or teacher modulated discussion within the classroom period. When structured carefully this combination pedagogy has a level of novelty that can effectively nurture assimilation of content among a group of students. There is homework and class management elements, too.

Teaching five classes a day can be a demanding experience for any educator. There might be instances when a topic area requires an entire period of teacher talk.  I do not believe that many educators in secondary schools lecture the entire length of a period day after day, however. That would be exhausting. One teacher who taught in this manner confided to me that he would be okay until November when he burned out and took a few sick days with flu symptoms.

Studies have examined the limitations of the lecture method. Among them are:
·   Attention to what is being said decreases as the lecture proceeds. McKeachie, in his summary of decades of research in the college setting, found that students retain 70% of information in the first 10 minutes of a lecture; the retention is only 20% in the last 10 minutes. Note-taking decreases during the lecture as well. [1]
·   The lecture is suited for the more intelligent and auditory oriented individuals with the audience noticeably less attentive over time. This means that a substantial number of students are not deriving much benefit from the course. [2]
·   The lecture at best tends to focus on the lower-level of cognition and learning because it presents factual material and does not allow students to analyze, synthesize, or integrate the subject during that period. [3]
·   The lecture is impersonal because one person talks and the audience does not engage in conversation. [4]

Though these are studies from college settings where lectures prevail, the same limitations occur in secondary schools. The college student often has no more than three lecture periods per day and less on alternating days. The middle or high school student, however, is in five or more classes per day. Even if the amount of lecturing in this setting is less per period, the student nevertheless is involved a considerable amount of one way instruction for an entire school day week after week for an entire the school year. It is this minimizing of the social discourse in many adolescents that makes their educational experience uninspiring, or even boring.

Maintaining a good focus in a lecture-dominated school culture can be accomplished if you are accustomed to frequent lectures and motivated to achieve a high grade in a class. The mind can be disciplined to sustain concentration if the auditory sense is exercised repeatedly.  For that reason lectures can be an effective means to transfer knowledge particularly when well organized and properly sequenced. Here are some ways to maximize the effectiveness of a lecture:
·   Students should be taking notes in a designated spiral notebook or better yet, use an outline handout with spaces to write notes. This helps the student to understand how the content is relevant to the overall theme.
·   Plan the lesson to cover a reasonable amount of content.
·   Use overheads and other graphic representations like PowerPoint because they can assist in the clarification of topics including spontaneous annotations added to these graphics. This would be particularly useful in mathematics and science courses where symbols and step-by-step methods are taught.
·   Inform the students at the beginning of the school year the extent that the lecture notes are correlated with assessments such as quizzes and tests versus the textbook or other resources.  Teach them how to take notes in your discipline.
·   Limit the instructor talk to shorter intervals, and then engage the students with a discussion, worksheet, video, or reading for several minutes.  Resume the lecture, if necessary, to add more content.

This post has looked at both the positive and negative elements of the lecture. It can be particularly beneficial when coupled with cooperative or individual learning procedures. An aspect of a student's educational experience is to develop auditory cognition and be able to absorb and evaluate ideas as a person is speaking. A well planned lecture can be a means to enhance that thinking process.

In addition, while the cooperative experience promotes a range of communication benefits, individual tasks allow for mediation to foster independent thinking and processing. In particular, it nurtures high levels of concentration and engagement of memory.  Coupling a lecture with cooperative or individual sessions is a sound practice since it works at a number of levels: listening intently, working alone, or sharing knowledge with peers.

There are a number of combinations here that can be mixed and sequenced to keep the intensity level high for the range of the period.

1. A lecture interval
2. Cooperative or individual work (as described in the previous post)
·   Worksheet completion of objective questions
·   Quiz with objective questions
·   Reviewing last night's homework
·   Worksheet completion using sentences and paragraphs – Short responses
·   Essays
·   Review for a test
·   Research report
·   Introduction of a topic
·   Jigsaw

Combining various activities in the classroom can sustain the level of novelty to keep students motivated every day. Studies have shown that reliance on lectures as the predominant mode of transferring knowledge minimizes interest and holds the attention of a fraction of the audience – the more auditory-intelligent students.

Though students can become better listeners with practice, use of cooperative learning uses more analytical thinking as the members challenge each other to come up with new ideas and ways to solve problems. Shorter lectures are recommended to improve auditory processing, and coupled with individual or group learning heightens the novelty of a lesson.

[1] McKeachie, W. (1986). Teaching tips: A guidebook for the beginning college teacher.  Boston: D.C. Health

[2] Verner, C., Dickinson, G. (1967). The Lecture, An Analysis and Review of Research, Adult Education, 17, 85-100.

[3] McKeachie, W. Kulick, J. (1975). Effective College Training. Review of research in Education. . Itasca, IL: Peacock Press.

[4] Stones, E., (1970), Students' attitudes to the size of teaching groups. Educational Review, 21(2), 98-108.